Wednesday, January 5

A Little Stationery Chuckle

I was cruising on Amazon and the darn company has my number.  An innocent search to look at stationery brought me to several packets of stationery of rather unique design.  And of course, I HAD to have them!
I also saw and loved and bought the Ghee Happy set!  They just make me smile. 

What is not to love about the Hindu gods?  I've been a closet fan of Bollywood for years, and hope to travel to India one day.  They also had a goddess set, but I curbed my enthusiasm before the wallet got too thin!
Hope this helps inspire you to write!  They sure make me want to put ink to paper.
Happy Mailing!


  1. Wow, those are really cute. Now I'm afraid to look for stationery on amazon.

  2. Funny! They've got your number all right. Love the stationary.

  3. Oh wow, what is the name of the top item pictured with the little birdies? It's adorable!!

  4. Stationery related with Hinduism? Absolutely amazing! The cards belows are really cute.

    Have a great day,

  5. Thanks for the complements! The top set is called the United Feathered Friends I believe. Now Amazon "Makes Recommendations" and they include more stationery!

  6. Those are amazing! I'm terrible with Stationery, too--I swear once I spot something I like, if I don't purchase it then and there it will go out of stock. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

  7. Titancia, I strongly recommend you go no where near a Marshalls or TJ Max store! I have no will power with there beautiful Graphique collection.

  8. United Feathered Friends... tres cute. Thanks so much for the info!

  9. Actually give me a day or 2, I have a whole blog to post on their products!

  10. Those little birdies are so adorable and happy!
