Thursday, February 17

I'm popular in Norfolk Island?

For those who don't have a blog, there is a fun little button called stats.  The stats tell you what countries are visiting your blog, the referring sites they come from, and how many visits you get by day/week/month.  And I must say I am totally addicted to this little function!  I would like to look at it 20 times a day if I could!  It's really a problem, but we all know I don't do well with self control!
Anyway, the other day I noticed Norfolk Island had made it into the top 10th spot of countries.  Which prompted me to think, where the heck is Norfolk Island?  Is it a country?  And why I am so popular there? (And by popular I mean 3 views : )
I feel like I'm pretty good with geography compared to my average fellow countryman, but this elluded me.
A google search revealed Norfolk Island is in the vicinity of Australia and New Zealand.  The tourism web site is beautiful and apparently they just got a world heritage site listing.  Yay for them!
Anyway, I invite my mysterious Norfolk Islander to stop by and comment!  Tell us more and let us know if you'd like a few notes and postcards from around these parts.  I have to say, I definitely learned something this week. 
Keep learning and sending!
Some beautiful cards featuring artwork by Klimt


  1. I have to admit that i didn't know about it, either, so now i learned where Norfolk island is :)

  2. I know what you mean about "stats" -- I find them fascinating too. I cannot figure out how people in all kinds of exotic places find my blog (and yours). I wonder if your viewer will comment...I also wonder why you can have 100 views a day and no comments....I'll check back to see if your mystery viewer writes you.

  3. I think comments are nearly as addictive as stats. They give you a sense of connectedness and as though what you say is of interest!
    I humbly await any mail you send my way : )
