Friday, June 3


Hello all!  I know its been awhile since my last post, but life has been rather crazy hectic with summer and travels.  Today, I'm taking a moment to celebrate several things today. 
First: I got to my P.O. Box and got a lot of lovely mail! (Oh how I missed you) Just wait till this weekend for board pics.
Second: I got a third entry in my International Stationery GiveAway Contest from Aida and that was my first postcard from Malayasia! Aida has a blog called Aida Goes Artsy.

Third: I finally got the new love stamps!  I've been seeing them advertised but my Post Office said they weren't really supposed to get them in- so I'm very excited that they did.  I know I could order them online, but I probably never will.  I just get side tracked and forget . . .  oh look a squirrel! 

Fourth: It's a beautiful day out!  And my patio garden is doing great.   I got to eat my first bit of lettuce out of it today!

I hope this finds you all well and happy!

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