Sorry it took me so long to post my board photo for this weekend, but it was too beautiful to stay in and I didn't get to stick to my rule of "if its up, it's responded to" The upper half of the board is responded to, but the lower half is not. I will however give several shout-outs this weekend to some nice people I recently met in the mail!
Click to enlarge! |
The ABC envelope was from the Pen Thief (in the blog roll). The Nancy Drew is from Wolfey at
No Post On Sunday. Airmail is from Pamela at Cappuchino and Art (blog roll). Malyss sent me the green card at the bottom (
her blog). The central flower card is from the Postmuse (blog roll). Wanda, Kestrel, and K.C. are new friends from sendsomething. The card and butterfly envie are from Tara at
Hello Life, another lovely mail blog. The beautiful music note card is from Nancy at the
Stamp Tramps who is also a local friend and crafter. I loaned her some stamps and she sent me this blank card! What a wonderful exchange, as she is incredibly talented!
And finally 2 special mentions. One is from S2 and the other was from postcrossing. Franziska is from Switzerland and likes to design postcards and stationery. She has a beautiful blog over at where she showcases her images and asks people to sign her guestbook!
The package of stationery and pc's! |
I also got a lovely package from a USA ex-patriot who is living abroad in Australia! She sent me my first ever zine. She just started making zines and is looking to trade with others. Her blog, (everybody seems to have one ; ) ), is at
Love the Aboriginal themed stationery! |
I also had a little outing to beautiful Bucks County, PA this weekend and found several cheap mail items. There was a consignment shop that I found on my travels in Pipersville, PA where I snatched up all these gorgeous cards of Philadelphia for 50 cents each.
I can't wait to use these for postcrossing! |
And a mystery box of stationery. Literally taped shut, buy at your own risk!
Jackpot- A stash of Ansel Adams PC's, a mess of Colonial Williamsburg Cards- I love these for postcrossing too, and Miscellaneous holiday cards. None of them had envies- but luckily I know somebody who can make her own!
Holy jackpot, batman! |
If anybody is in Bucks County, PA, don't forget to stop in at the
Moravian Tile Factory. It's a really neat place especially for folks into the Arts and Crafts movement of the early 1900's America!
I bought several PC's here, but forgot a photo of them. |
Hope this finds you all well and enjoying my mail and travels!