Tuesday, January 1

New Years Resolutions - Just say No!

All in all I take a stance against resolutions.  If you need to do something, you should not be waiting for a date on the calendar to do it.  I am overweight though and I have long strived to lose the pounds that are stubbornly clinging.  Well this year my resolution is to never EVER diet again.  Instead I will be focusing on retraining my body and mind to love and accept all of me instead of fighting it.  I started a week ago already  . . . I'm not good at waiting.

The only other resolutions involve trying to keep up with a new blog series I will call "Make it Monday"  I think it is self explanatory enough, so stay tuned.  I will also be continuing to post my incoming.   I am hoping we (there is no I in teamwork!) will be able to organize another letter social this Spring.  Keep your fingers crossed!!!!

And I open it now to you, suggestions?  Anything you really want to see on this blog?  I have thought about opening the blog up to guest posts, but still unsure about that?!? 

Hope this finds you well and happy in the New Year!


  1. Say Yes to letter socials!! I finally have a set work schedule - let's do it!

  2. Looking forward to Make it Monday! =) And I would love to see some reports from letter socials as per Tara's suggestion. ;)

  3. Happy New Year and happy mailing!

  4. Hooray for letter socials! I have to make a promise to myself to contact both Wildcards and the Carnegie Library for venue ....
