Friday, June 1

Back in the Proverbial Saddle Again!

Hello folks!
It's been awhile since my last confession - er, post.  Finally I am settling in to the new house and making head way with mail replies.  I have my internet hooked up and look forward to returning to regular postings!!! 
First things first!
I wanted to put some thank you shout outs up.  I do not and did not expect any gifts as house warming presents, but gifts did come.
Stamps and stationery, Oh My!  A nice surprise from a coworkers Mother who knows my love of such things.
Above and below are from my friend Carrie.  She found some free postcards and above is a paperless set of stationery that depicts angels of sorts.

Not pictured but also appreciated are some hanging flowers and a dining room paint job.  The flowers are from coworkers and the paint job was the work of my Mother and Aunt.  Nothing says I love you like somebody painting a room for you!

All in all, a big thank you to everybody who sent things and helped out!
Now for housekeeping.  Please feel free to continue sending to my P.O. Box in Bethlehem until the end of June.  I am trying to decide whether to keep it or move to one a little closer to my new home. Stay tuned for more info on that in the future!

I hope this finds you all well and writing lots!

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