Tuesday, November 12

Thanks a Lot - No Seriously! The Art of the Thank You

I recently read a book, A Simple Act of Gratitiude and was moved by how a simple idea such as writing and mailing a thank you note could change one's perspective on life and love.  I think this thought is one all people should all pause upon for a moment and think about.   I have been seeing the Facebook daily thank you's for this month, but you know what would be better?  Actually writing one and sending it!

Being the mailers that we are, I assume (and yes I do know what they say about assuming), that we have a higher ratio of thank you notes than the average person.
But still, when's the last time you wrote a short thank you note?

In the book, this man starts his year with a huge chip on his shoulder and a glass half empty mentality.  Somehow divine inspiration or a voice of conscience tells him, and I paraphrase, "Pull out your writing pen and tell a few people that you think they are the bee's knees!"  Find who your reason to smile is, and say "Gee whiz, I think you need a pat on the back for that!" or at least a piece of paper with something heartfelt scrawled across it - more tangible in the long run really!

He had some surprising results and found that the act of writing 365 thank you's in a year plus a bit, not only made him more content with the life that he already had, but helped him advance professionally, and added depth to the relationships that surrounded him both in work and personal life. 

What are you thankful for?  I think this was such a good book, that I am going to focus the next few posts to why you should say thanks in writing more often!  And not a brief thanks, but a few true sentences why you are grateful for what the person did.

And if you want to come along for the ride, consider writing a true and brief thank you to five people or businesses these next weeks!  Come on it's only 5.  You can do it!

Thanks for reading my ramblings!
Yours Truly!


  1. Nice thoughts to think about . And I agree , we should thank more for what we have!

  2. Like Malyss said, nice thoughts to think about. I'm looking forward to the posts to come!

  3. I read this book during the past year and was inspired to start writing more thank yous in many forms. So thank YOU for reminding us that everyone can use a kind word now and again!
