Monday, November 11

MSM- Postponed

Hello all! 
A quick note to say I lost my camera cord and even though I did the project, it sits on my camera and awaits a way to unlock it!  I have a series I am still going forward with on gratitude starting Tuesday, but first 2 things.
1) My heart goes out to the thousands of people who lost everything in the Philippines and may they receive the aid they need as soon as possible. 
2) Thank you to all the veterans for their service.  We have a saying in the USA that "Freedom isn't free" meaning many lose their lives or limbs so that the rest of the county can live on. 

If you are looking for ways to give back, consider Operation Write Home - you can either make or mail an Any Hero letter.  I only make a few cards a year for the project, but I hope they send the love and heartfelt wishes I envision they will carry upon their inception.

I'll be back tomorrow and try to get the MSM post up as soon as the camera issues are resolved!

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