Friday, August 12

Go to the Thrift Store for More

Hey mail fans and stationery addicts!
I also went to a thrift store before buying my wonderful desk!
I thought I'd show you my finds from a thrift store in Hellertown, PA.  I just happen to be driving through the town and I saw they were having a sale that day!  So I stopped in and low and behold made a few deals!
First some designer stationery!  Not exactly my fave, but neat enough to buy.
I think the only thing missing is a sticker sheet
Who knew Vera Bradley ventured into stationery? 

notice the plastic wrapper is still intact
The second set was an amazing deal!  A brand new, never opened box of Colonel Williamsburg stationery!  I love the collage effect!!!  I'm not sure if you can appreciate the detail from this picture.
Some days I get lucky and some days I don't.  But I am always game to try and find a deal!


  1. I love your blog & I love your new stationary set!!! So PINK!! Your super close!! I'm from Reading :)

  2. HMMM how are the pickings in Reading? I need to get there to see the Pagoda.

  3. Geez, did you leave any for me? LOL I found a really 80s retro stationery at one of the thrift stores near me.

  4. The Colonial Williamsburg set is gorgeous. What cruel, heartless soul could have donated that without even taking off the plastic at some point? It must have felt so unloved for so long! I'm glad you gave it a good home.

  5. I love stationery myself. I was cleaning out some old stuff and found a ton of it. I am putting it into a garage sale but got to thinking about you. Would you be interested in it? Let me know the garage sale isn't until September.

  6. Thanks Deb for the offer- I don't know if I need more but it sounds fun. Although I would suggest any that doesn't sell be given away through your blog or this one! There's always something to celebrate!

  7. You must have wiped them out. I went there Monday and nothing...but that's alright, I have my secret thrift stores as well where I can find retro stationery.
