Friday, July 13

Blog Block

I keep waiting for some stroke of brilliance to lift my mental block when it comes to writing new prose for the blog.  The truth is words have not been my friends of late.  Neither do they want to spill from the pen or my fingers as I try to type this.  Unfortunately I am pushing myself. 
1) I wanted to make it to my 500th post this year
2) Blogging is a form of entertainment and I feel as though I've been lack luster of recent
3) First step is acknowledging the problem!

So I turn it over to you all.  Anything that I do well, that you want more of?  Something your are dying to discuss that is mail related?  Something you want to know about my area? 
Leave a comment.  Drop a postcard.  Just let me know!
Thanks and may the words are be with you, (a force in their own right!)


  1. I'm in the same boat - major lack of inspiration, feelings of writer's block, etc. I'm supposed to be writing poetry and doing a research project, and am stuck on both of those, as well as stumped on my blogs. :/

  2. I'm terribly late in my own mail, and ashamed of it!
    So I will answer here , and say that I like to see pictures! Of mail you send and receive, of the place where you're living, of your creativity. But well, that's already what you're showing, no?! :o)

  3. You know I'm all about recycling and I would be interested in any fresh, new ways to use junk mail, security envelopes etc. For example, I really, really love your double envelope "booklet" shown in your Dec 4th post.

    1. I feel like that was my one stroke of genius. Maybe I will come up with something else!?!

  4. Sometime just admitting the problem has helped. I have a list and its growing of ideas. Thanks for the comments! All are helpful!

  5. Maybe perhaps something on preparing for fall and the holiday season!!! Not that I want to push summer out of the way by any means! Sometimes, planning for the next season helps me!

  6. I'm terribly lazy lately and really just enjoy looking at all the photos of your mail and marveling at it all.

  7. It is summertime... time to be outside doing stuff to write about on rainy days! Run, play hookie, soak up the sun! There is no need to worry about what to write it, will come when you squeeze all the good out of the rest of life!
