Monday, August 27

Some More Incoming

Here is a short stack of beautiful letters received and replied to.  Remember, if its here, you have a reply!
Some candy cards of Dylan's Candy Bar from Kendall at Happy Little Mailboxes
A tag card from Send Something

Misty the Pen Theif is on the road this summer.  I have it on good authority that she will return to blogging eventually ! )  After awhile, blogging can fell like a chore, so taking a break and focusing on other aspects of life helps to ease the chore feeling and allows some time to recharge creatively.

A beauty from the Post Muse.  Talks of a PA letter social are going around.

A nice postcard from Send Something.

A cute book from my friend CKB who will soon move on to an interesting phase in her life.  Much luck and happy travels!
Remember to get a letter, you have to write a letter and I am off to do just that!

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