I know, I know. I need more stationary like I need a new hole in my head. But I swear I have developed some restraint! I only bought this supper cute stuff because it was a terrific sale. This was $0.67 US!
And the envelopes are very pretty as well!
I also found this at the local buy out store and absolutely love not only the cards but the very pink envelopes.
Yes you may have seen this stationary before in a previous posts, but I was forced to buy a second box when it went half price. And as it was already less than $3, I couldn't pass up a second box!
I do realize I have a problem! A problem that I hope my friends very much appreciate, as they are the true beneficiaries.
Actually Alison called me while I was buying this and instead of talking me out of it, reminded me I should get my Halloween cards out soon! I love my friends, but they are enablers to my stationary addiction! At least I keep it cheap when I can.
I hope this finds you receiving lots of beautiful mail (and not the bill kind)!