Friday, October 29

One Last Boo for All of You!

Hello all who visit my little blog!  I had to post this final Halloween mail post because after I took the pic of the letter to my friend Bre, I spilt water on the envelope and poof!  The ink all ran! I really am a massive klutz. SO here's for my peep.
And here's for Jenny and all the rest of you!

And finally, a word about my helper.

 She was very busy making sure I got all my pictures taken so I could post them for your viewing pleasure!  Who knew such a ratty little kitten would grow to be so beautiful!  Please remember your shelters (human or animal) this holiday season.
Hopefully this finds you trading mail for tricks and treats!

Thursday, October 28


My joy of Halloween and mail continue with an interesting recycle tip.  I'm probably not the only mailer out there who is intrigued by repetitive geometry. I find some of the most interesting shapes are leftover after you use the stickers for other embellishment.
I got at least 3 envelope backs decorated with this scrap edging.

And I used the shiny foil for a few too.
I hope this finds you all eerily mailing!

Wednesday, October 27

Boo Who

More Halloween mail!  Hopefully this gets you in the mood to send some fun.  (And for anybody who wants to know- the stamp came from Micheals- $1)

A little free style and I have no professions of being an artist.
More vintage inspired cards- sorry they are a little dark in this pic.   Hope this finds you all spookily mailing!

Tuesday, October 26

Boo two!

Today is a glorious fall day, with the smell of wet leaves in the air and the Halloween decorations on the porches.  And I sent out several envelopes displaying the themes of the Holidays!
I apparently had a spider thing going on this time.  Webs are so easy to draw for the artistically challenged.

There be more tricks and treats to come!  Hope this finds you all happily mailing!
Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 25

Let's Boo together!

I think all this week its appropriate to celebrate an unofficial mail holiday!  Let's all boo for Halloween!
I picked up several items to use in decorating cards and envelopes. I found these gorgeous vintage inspired cards to send!

Add stickers and scrap booking supplies

And more stickers!  With a little creativity and make
All this week, I plan to highlight my creations to hopefully inspire a little creativity in you!
Hope this finds you happily mailing!

Saturday, October 23

I'm an inspiration???

I have friends all over the place and I believe people come in and out of your life at various times for various reasons.  I recently reconnected with an old school buddy of mine.  We went to a very rural district and were in class together from the third grade till graduation, and lost contact until recently.
What does this have to do with mail you might ask?  Well I was telling my buddy about my geeky mail obsession and mentioned mail art.  I directed her to a few sites, and poof!  My old friend just happens to be an elementary art teacher.  She immediately saw value in mail art and decided to try it on her students. 
SO they did a project.  The kids sent out their decorative treasures and they would post what they got back.
Here's a lovely card from her

and the envelope it came in.

I can't wait to see what her students came up with and got back, but I am sorry to say I may not be able to post it here as privacy issues and all.  But it's funny how a simple conversation can affect so many.  And anybody who hasn't stopped by the Real Wall should and see how he turned a conversation into teaching a class on mail art!
Hope this finds you all happily mailing!

Thursday, October 21

A Much Needed Pick-Me-Up

Today was a rough day.  I can not fault any one thing, but just all in all, it was a rough day.  By the end of my work day, I had a black cloud hanging over my head, and I'm sure a little rain got on my coworkers though I do try to not let that happen.  So when I got home after my very long rough day, it was beyond wonderful to get some snail mail love. 

One of my really good friends sent me a wonderful Halloween card and lots of love and encouragemant in a letter with some vintage stationary.  (Someday I'll do a post on my thrift store finds!)
And I also got some great mail art from My Real Wall.  If you haven't stopped by the blog, you should and see the post on his recent mail art lecture! 
I hope this finds you giving and receiving some snail mail love!  It really does lighten the heart of the recipient and I feel like the song " I can see clearly now, the rain is gone" 
Thanks guys and to all who brighten my day by looking at this humble blog.
Sending you all some love,

Tuesday, October 19

Now for Something Different

I really like cutting out words from ads and magazines and pasting them to make notes, but its so time consuming and sometimes messy, (depends on whose helping).  But my adventures in the scrapbooking isle have lead me to word stickers.  I recently decided to use a bunch and write a long letter to a friend. 

I have to say I liked the effect a lot.  I have a feeling I will be doing this over and over again to refine my technique.  I'm sure this note made her smile and feel loved : ) Plus its a nice touch to make a visual impact and carry the eye through the letter. And as I have little to no artistic ability, I think this is an easy way to appear crafty. 
Hopefully this also finds you all smiling and happily mailing!

Monday, October 18

This says it all!

I was writing letters this weekend and was extremely pleased with this envelope decoration.  I found some really cheap transfers at Michaels and think they look stellar on the envelopes and cards. 

And really this envelope sums up how I feel about mail and my friends.
Who by the way, under the threat of me getting pen pals, have started to write back!  My snail mailbox has never been so full!
Hope you all enjoy it and that this finds you happily mailing!

Saturday, October 16

Reminiscing about Tico Times

The other day I saw a little note book and I decided to take a second look.  I am a big list maker, so little notebooks are wonderful and I have them everywhere to try to keep me more organized- try being the key word! Well to my surprise it was banana paper.

Why it surprised me so much was I was there when they were first trying to make this stuff in Costa Rica.  I had a 1 month exchange down there in 1993 as a high school student focusing on agriculture.  Under the book, you'll noticed another sheet of paper.  That's mine! from the '93 trip.
Bananas don't degrade very well and the fields were often burned (if memory serves correct) and as bananas are a major cash crop in that country, they were trying to figure out ways to go green with the waste and that was back in '93! 
Such a cool little find, and it made me pull out my old photo album from the trip and reminisce.  In Costa Rica, at that time, things ran at a slower pace.  The locals called it Tico Time.  I have to admit, it was a nice memory and I enjoyed looking through my album.
I hope this finds you all happily remembering and mailing!

Friday, October 15

A Day of Pleasant Surprises!

This morning started off like most gorgeous fall mornings, with me buried under a heavy comforter and happily breathing in the cool air.  Then it got better!  I was going to empty an antique tea box to take to a friend.  I knew there was some stationary in it, but to my surprise I found more.

And inside the chest was a box that had fabulous pens!  I'm glad I resisted the temptation to invest in more pens the other day.  I knew I had some somewhere when I moved.  And then to make the day even better, a letter arrived from a good friend! 

ANd there were no bills in the box to foul up the fabulousness of these finds!  Simple things in life make me happy. 
Hopefully this weekend, I will be getting my creativity on and get the Halloween cards started. 
Hope this finds you all happily mailing!

Thursday, October 14

A little something, something

MAIL!!!!!!!!!  Thanks Bre for the letter and words of encouragement on the blog!
Maybe this weekend, a little something from my travels!?!

Hope this finds you happily mailing!

Tuesday, October 12

How to make a good first impression

So my mail experimentation continues.  I was in the scrapbooking isle at the local craft and I saw some very budget friendly borders.  Can't beat the bang you get for this buck spent.

How could you not be happy recieving this?  I have to say, I love the free form look.  Below is the back of the envelope.

I guess I love to make the envelopes beautiful.  You know what they say about making a good first impression!
Easy, breezy, beautiful - envelope covers!

Hope this finds you happily mailing and recieving beautiful things!

Monday, October 11

Faux Creative part deux- Stamps

I know there is a group of mail art folks who are into making miniature stamps.  I am a massive failure at drawing or being artistic with pen and paint, but I did find these gorgeous pre fab faux stamps by K&C Company the other day.  They also had beautiful adhesize papers (very large stickers!).  And of course it was all on sale at 40% off.  I would have bought them anyway, but it was extra nice they were on sale! 
I do proudly report I took the last 2 off the self!  So sorry my local PA people, but they are mine! 
I hope this finds you all happily mailing!

Sunday, October 10

My stationary addiction, on sale!

I know, I know.   I need more stationary like I need a new hole in my head.  But I swear I have developed some restraint!  I only bought this supper cute stuff because it was a terrific sale.  This was $0.67 US!
And the envelopes are very pretty as well!

I also found this at the local buy out store and absolutely love not only the cards but the very pink envelopes.

Yes you may have seen this stationary before in a previous posts, but I was forced to buy a second box when it went half price.  And as it was already less than $3, I couldn't pass up a second box! 
I do realize I have a problem!  A problem that I hope my friends very much appreciate, as they are the true beneficiaries. 
Actually Alison called me while I was buying this and instead of talking me out of it, reminded me I should get my Halloween cards out soon!  I love my friends, but they are enablers to my stationary addiction!  At least I keep it cheap when I can.
I hope this finds you receiving lots of beautiful mail (and not the bill kind)!

Saturday, October 9


As always, I know my blog is not widely read.  (At least for now, plans of global domination dance in my head- JK!) But one of my wonderful friends finally decided to return the favor and send snail mail.  Now all you stationary addicts don't judge the plain white college ruled paper and envelope. It's mail!  And I plan to correct this by sending her pretty stationary.  Least I can do to show my appreciation for this wonderful, hand made gift!
As always, hope this finds you happily mailing!

Wednesday, October 6


My friends and the random folks who glance at my blog, I have a confession.  I love October!!!
Not only are the leaves changing but the cool weather is here!  And I have a lot of friends celebrating their birthdays this month, including my mom.  And I seem to have bought more supplies out of the dollar bin at the local Target.  So hopefully I will have some wonderful Halloween inspired creations for your visual excitement!  Stay tuned those 3 or 4 that look at this blog once in a year, as I will dazzle you. 
Can't wait to mail!
Hope this finds you all receiving lots of mail!