Monday, February 13

A virus

As many of you may have guessed by now, my computer problems were a lot more extensive than first thought.  I have caught a virus!  So I need to get my precious (said like Lord of the Rings) laptop checked out by somebody and debugged. 
I guess a virus is somewhat good, because it ensures that I will have time to write people back in a timely fashion.  Unfortunately I will not be able to participate in postcrossing for a bit, but my letters will hopefully be a bit more creative!
Well, until my computer fells better, this may be the last post for awhile. 
I hope this finds you all giving and receiving much mail!


  1. Hope your pc problems get fixed soon. I've been posting from my iPhone it's pretty neat. Mailbox love ;p

  2. Happy Valentine's Day. :)

  3. I feel your pain. I was attacked by the Security Shield virus last week and spent the week without my desktop...and then my laptop stopped working too, so IT is in the shop now...but at least I have the PC back.

  4. I'm feeling the same with what happens with my HP laptop and I'm in jeopardy.
    Hope your computer will be well soon.

  5. I've had some seriously bad virus moments myself. Maybe I'll run a scan now that I'm feeling paranoid. I got your last card and posted it here:
    Thanks a million. Hope you're fully back on line soon.
